Eating healthy and nutritious food is very important for maintaining a good health. Healthy food involves regular and timely food, fruits, nuts and much more. A balanced diet consists of good food habits and is essential for a healthy life.
In the normal course of life, we forget to take necessary nutrition that is required for our body and hence we tend to get into many life style diseases. It is very essential for a person to know and understand the benefits of nature's creation like fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.
Grains such as whole wheat, rye, barley, millet and oatmeal contain hulls and germ together. These are full of fiber, protein and vitamins and minerals. Breads and cereals with whole grain are nutritious.
We must also prevent lifestyle diseases so our body makes strong and healthy. Stop also smoking cigarettes and drinking liquor so we cannot suffer a lung cancer as well as heart attack. The junk foods that we are eating when we have snacks are not also good in our body. Because junk foods are lack in salt, so if we eat too much we might be having a kidney disease. Many people take vitamins to be healthier, but by eating the right foods (namely fruits and vegetables), also necessary. Because fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancer specially those are full of Vitamin C.
Since no single food group can nourish our body with all the vital ingredients it requires, it is important that we consume a variety of healthy foods to derive the nutrition our body needs. There are five main food groups, that we are need to make our bodies healthy and strong they are Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals, Fish and Meat products. A healthy balanced diet of these five food groups ensures essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is also important that one eat a variety of foods from within and across the food groups. As some foods from within a food group provide more nutrients than others.
Where as a nutritious diet can rectify underlying causes of diseases and restore one to wholeness of mind and body. Once we realize the connection between a wholesome balanced diet and good health, our food will be our medicine and maintaining good health will be a matter of making the right food choices and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Let us protect our body in different diseases and eat proper nutritious food to makes our bodies healthy and strong, because life is so important in each every one of us